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Cheese Sauce Recipe
Cube chicken breast then season with Mrs Dash, Salt and Pepper in intervals ( season, stir, season etc. ) Heat Olive Oil in skillet over medium heat and add chicken, stirring occasionally until well browned. Set aside.
Rinse Riced Hearts Of Palm and allow to drain well.
Chop the broccoli into small pieces.
In a 3 qt sauce pan add butter and allow to melt on medium heat, once melted add the Heavy and Sour Cream(s). Heat until the cream mixture starts to steam then whisk in the cream cheese 2-3 cubes at a time. Continue to whisk constantly from here forward. Once melted add the parm slowly while whisking until fully incorporated. Add the cheddar small hand fulls at a time making sure to fully incorporate the last handful before the next. Continue to whisk the cheese mixture until all cheddar has been incorporated.
Combining Casserole
Take chicken out of frying pan and place in bowl. Add “ rice “ to skillet and mix for 5 minutes to warm and deglaze pan. In a large bowl add rice, chicken, broccoli and cheddar sauce together. Once mixed thoroughly, place in a 5 quart Baking Dish or 13X9 Pyrex dish. Bake for 30 minutes at 350 degrees then broil on high for 10 minutes to brown the top. Let rest 5 minutes then serve.
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